how do I get out of this contract?

May 7, 2010 · 8 comments


My small business has a 5 year contract on 3 copier machines 1 color and 2 b/w from Konica Minolta. I am about to lose my office space and I want to get rid of 2 machines and keep 1… how do I get out of my contract without penalty? Konica Minolta’s customer support is not very helpful and so as my rep… (actually he left and now I am stuck with a rep that does not care… since it’s not his originally). any help would be appreciated!

Machines: Konica Minolta c350 color copier | Konica Minolta c250 color copier | Konica Minolta 7222 BW copier

I am going into my 3rd year on my contract.

{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Mildred May 7, 2010 at 11:22 pm

Keep contacting them until you get someone who gives a hoot, and eventually someone will. I hear you.

affans05 May 7, 2010 at 11:57 pm

If you’ve signed a contract it would be very hard to get out of. You’d need a good lawyer to find a loophole.

The alternative is to transfer the license to a another company. You’ll have to look around for companies opening up or alreayd established that need one.

julie p May 8, 2010 at 12:43 am

I dont know if getting out of the contracts without paying a penalty is possible but sometimes if you sign a contract (for just one copier) with another brand, they will help you out of your current lease…

RB May 8, 2010 at 12:50 am

It will be extremely tough to get out of that contract. I would try to get a manager in customer service and see if they will take a buy out at a discounted rate. If they won’t do that, it sounds like you’re stuck with them.

Hey U, Yeah U..Get over here May 8, 2010 at 1:38 am

Move on up the chain of command. Remember: The squeeky wheel gets oiled….the more annoying you are the more ppl will want to solve your problem just to shut you up. So call and just get really rude with the customer service demanding to speak with a supervisor…you may get hung up on…but after about 2-3 days of making yourself anuiance….even contacting their CEO (they should have a website) you’ll get what you want.

Darlin1_66 May 8, 2010 at 2:11 am

Is there a clause in the contract that allows you to pay a lump sum payment or sell your contract to a third party? If the answer to both are no; than you are required to finish out the contract. Have you considered trying to find someone you know to take over the lease or lease it to them for a small mark up?

tipstir May 8, 2010 at 2:32 am

Either you close down your business or move to another state where Konica doesn’t support or just stick it out another 2 years. I had someone in the family work for Konica, they’re the worst to deal with them for service until your contract runs out! Next time go with Corp Express, not as pushy as Konica. These SLA (service line agreements) are hard to get out of once you sign and bind the contract agreement. May 8, 2010 at 3:08 am

since the circumasances are on their side. and are unreasonable.. while not do something .. tell the people their service will no longer be required becuse some one stole your equiptment.. and that at the present time your service can no longer be used.. ok gilermo.

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